Dear freelancer, please solve the 12 attached problems. Show all the work, and f

Dear freelancer, please solve the 12 attached problems. Show all the work, and formulas, for each multiple-choice answers explain your reasoning for choosing what you have chosen.
Task example:
3B. What is the total consumer surplus for all Customer 1 consumers if Target begins to
offer the following prices: “Regular Meal Plan: $500,” “Deluxe Meal Plan: $950,” “Super
Deluxe Meal Plan: $1 ,200”
3C. What is the total consumer surplus for all Customer 2 consumers if Target begins to
offer the following prices: “Regular Meal Plan: $500,” “Deluxe Meal Plan: $950,” “Super
Deluxe Meal Plan: $1 ,200”
3D. What is the total consumer surplus for all Customer 3 consumers if Target begins to
offer the following prices: “Regular Meal Plan: $500,” “Deluxe Meal Plan: $950,” “Super
Deluxe Meal Plan: $1 ,200”
3E. Target has seen the data above but still needs help. Which prices should Target offer
to maximize revenue? In this case, customers indifferent to prices will select the option
preferred by the seller. Each customer can only buy one meal plan. The best price for the
regular meal plan is:
$1 ,000
Shouldn’t offer this pricing option
None of the above
Full order description:
Attached: Problem set

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