Critical Writing Assignment #2: Tracing the shirt on your back First, take a loo

Critical Writing Assignment #2: Tracing the shirt on your back
First, take a look at the tag on the shirt you are wearing right now. Where was that shirt made?
Then, read some short stories of garment workers from around the world: and this article on the difficulties of paying garment workers a living wage:
Now, do some research into the “garment”, “textile”, or “apparel” industry of the country where your shirt was made.
Provide some background on the garment industry in that country.
When did it begin to develop? What policies, trade agreements, or other factors led to its development?
How big is the industry in terms of economic impact and/or number of workers?
What is the average salary for a worker in the industry? (try to find recent data; this can change pretty quickly)
Arguments in favor: What benefits has the industry brought to the country and its workers?
Arguments against: What are some specific critiques of the industry in that country and/or arguments against outsourcing this work to less developed countries in general (e.g. human rights abuses, environmental pollution, labor rights violations, loss of American jobs, etc.)?
On balance, do you think the garment industry is mostly positive or mostly negative for that country and why?
The answer to this question will be your thesis. Include your thesis statement early in your paper, before explaining your reasoning in the concluding paragraphs.
Finally, briefly, how would you recommend the country, or consumers in other countries, address the negative aspects of the garment industry?
Include at least two independent sources for this paper. Cite the sources with the (Source, Year) and include links at the end of the paper.
Keep the word length to approximately 500 words.

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