Competencies & Dimensions: 1 (K, V, S, CAP); 2 (K, V, S, CAP); 4 (K, V, S, CAP);

Competencies & Dimensions: 1 (K, V, S, CAP); 2 (K, V, S, CAP); 4 (K, V, S, CAP); 6 (K, S, CAP); 7 (K, V, S, CAP)
NOTE: This assignment is required to be uploaded to the Graduation Information & Requirements course during your final semester in the program. In addition to submitting the assignment for this course, make sure that you save the assignment on your computer to upload in your final semester. Make sure that the specific details of your assignment do not contain any information that would allow peers to identify specific people or a specific organization. Make sure that you have removed all identifying information about the client before uploading your assignment to the Graduation Information & Requirements course.
Select a case from your field placement that has challenged you this semester. If you do not have a case from field to use, you must discuss this with your instructor and get approval to use a previous case.
If you must use a case that you have discussed in an assignment for another course due to lack of available cases, this assignment must be a completely original paper written for this course. The only part that you can repeat from a different course is a one-paragraph descriiption of the case facts but the theories used and all of the readings must be from this course.
Briefly review the essential psychosocial data of the case.
Then, describe significant experiences in your client’s life-long physical, social, emotional, and cognitive development, and discuss how those experiences have contributed to the ways that your client functions today. Your discussion should include the ways that your client’s current strengths and vulnerabilities are linked to earlier attachment experiences. Theory should be referenced to explain the link between your client’s experiences and what is happening in their current functioning. Again, note any developmental experiences that have contributed to areas of adaptive functioning as well as areas of maladaptive functioning.
Enhance your assessment above by discussing how your client’s functioning (strengths and vulnerabilities) is influenced by their cultural identification. Note: ‘cultural identification’ is a broad term that encompasses cultural identity, experiences of oppression/discrimination, even if these are within ‘culture’ of family, neighborhoods, etc. and/or the latter is as per family dysfunctions or stigma about current problems. Students are encouraged to assess larger contextual issues in the client’s life that may help with this assessment.
Next, describe how your “developmental assessment” of your client’s strengths and vulnerabilities (in the previous section) leads directly to specific interventions which will utilize those strengths and address those vulnerabilities. In other words, demonstrate how your treatment plan takes into account your developmental assessment that you described in 3.
Describe and discuss any transference reactions your client has had towards you, and any countertransference reactions you have had towards your client. (Remember that these reactions can be positive and/or negative.) Include in your discussion how you think the client’s experiences with oppression or discrimination influenced the transference and countertransference dynamics. Conclude your discussion by describing how you managed your own and the client’s reactions.
Describe how you evaluated the effects of any of your interventions with your client throughout your work with them.
In your discussion, describe how you think your interventions may have alleviated the effects of oppression or discrimination on your client.
Go to the library and find both theoretical and empirical literature regarding your client’s presenting issues and regarding your specific interventions. Discuss how the literature you found applies to your work with this client.
If you were to get this case again, how would you modify your interventions based on what you have read and based on your experiences with this client?
We view this as a research paper and as a practice paper. It is a paper that includes a focus on evaluating the effectiveness of your work with your client. Part I of the paper should have at least 5 references and they can be from either course material or outside research. Part II should have at least 5 references from scholarly sources outside of course material as well as any references from course material. You may use the same sources from class in both parts of the paper. This paper should be 10 pages (double spaced) and should be in 12-point font. The assignment is due in two parts: part 1 is due Week 10, and part 2 is due Week 13, unless your instructor specifies otherwise. The grading criteria for this final assignment are spelled out below.

Clarity of writing and proper APA format.

Paper should be well organized with cover page, appropriate use of sub-headings, free of spelling & grammatical errors, correctly cited references within paper and at end, and meet minimum page requirement.

Current Psychosocial Data
(half to full page)


Provide basic demographic data and a descriiption of the current issues that are causing client to seek help.

Developmental experiences contributing to current functioning
(1-2 pages)

Describe experiences in your client’s life-long physical, social, emotional, and cognitive development and discuss how any of those experiences may have contributed to your client’s current strengths and vulnerabilities. #2-4

Treatment Plan that draws on your assessment.
(1-2 pages)

Describe how your assessment of your client’s strengths and vulnerabilities (in the previous section) could lead directly to interventions which will utilize those strengths and address those vulnerabilities.

Your Counter- transference and
client’s possible transference (1-2 pages)

Describe any possible transference reactions from your client, and any countertransference reactions you had. Discuss how you did or could manage either of these, and whether either may have been due to cultural differences between you and client.

Evaluation of your interventions
(half to full page)

Describe how you evaluated the effects of any of your interventions with your client throughout your work with them, including any forms or procedures used at agency, as well as your own methods for evaluating whether your client is getting the help that they need.


Describe how your interventions may help alleviate the effects of oppression or discrimination.

Literature review on client’s issues and/or interventions used. (4-5 pages)

Go to the library and find both theoretical and empirical literature regarding your client’s presenting issues and regarding your specific interventions. Discuss how the literature you found applies or could apply to your work with this client.

Possible modifications to your interventions
(1 page)

If you were to get this case again, how would you modify your interventions based on the library research you did, and based on your own reflections as well as supervisory input?

(1 page)

You are expected to include a minimum of 5 references in the first part (from courses or research), and at least 5 references in the second part from outside scholarly sources. See instructions re: each section’s requirements.

Total Score (out of 100 possible points)

Developmental Assessment Paper (Part I)
Developmental Assessment Paper (Part I)
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeClarity of writing and proper APA format.
Paper should be well organized with cover page, appropriate use of sub-headings, free of spelling & grammatical errors, correctly cited references within paper and at end, and meet minimum page requirement.
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCurrent Psychosocial Data (half to full page)
Provide basic demographic data and a descriiption of the current issues that are causing client to seek help.
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDevelopmental experiences contributing to current functioning (1-2 pages)
Describe experiences in your client’s life-long physical, social, emotional, and cognitive development and discuss how any of those experiences may have contributed to your client’s current strengths and vulnerabilities.
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTreatment Plan that draws on your assessment. (1-2 pages)
Describe how your assessment of your client’s strengths and vulnerabilities (in the previous section) could lead directly to interventions which will utilize those strengths and address those vulnerabilities.
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeYour Counter- transference and client’s possible transference (1-2 pages)
Describe any possible transference reactions from your client, and any countertransference reactions you had. Discuss how you did or could manage either of these, and whether either may have been due to cultural differences between you and client.
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEvaluation of your interventions (half to full page)
Describe how you evaluated the effects of any of your interventions with your client throughout your work with them, including any forms or procedures used at agency, as well as your own methods for evaluating whether your client is getting the help that they need.
10 pts
Total Points: 55
I do client visits so make this about a client who I met during one of my visits at an agency.
This is part 1 to the assignment, there will be a part two due in a few weeks.

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