Click on Understanding Prejudice, click on Take a Text, or to Implicit Association and take the race test (Black and White.) Race Test… test you are about to take, known as the “Implicit Association Test,” offers one way to probe unconscious biases. In this 10-minute test, you will be presented with words or images and asked to respond as quickly as possible. At the end, your responses will be tallied so that you can see how your score compares to others and to your expectations (these responses will also be saved and tabulated as part of an investigation of implicit associations). There are several test and your input will determine which test you are taking.
Linda Steinsultz PhD Race Test results:
Your data suggest a moderate automatic preference for European American children compared to African American children.
I am not sure what variables are in play here for me as a sociologist instructor. I have the degrees in sociology and family studies. Perhaps, if I took it again and tried to be more alert it would change the outcome. It is sad for me to think that I have been reported to feel this way. I have tried to be open to all races and culture ( that is way I am a sociologist), but there are many factors in my results -history, white, lifetime Texan, segregated community growing up and religion. I do work at trying to be inclusive and non-judgmental, praying that the Lord will give me guidance and tolerance to all.
Then watch this set of animated videos to see how implicit bias shapes our attitudes on an unconscious level.
We are a community of scholars and want to have an atmosphere of support in this online-class.
Focus on Check Our Bias, The Life Changing Magic of Hanging Out, Snacks and Punishments, and High Heels, Violins and a Warning. and and findings, and your response to these videos.
You may need to open these individually.
Check Our Bias
TheLife ChangingMagic of Hanging Out
Snacks and Punishments, and
High Heels, Violins and a Warning
Assignment DB #4:
Focus on one video and describe the findings.
Describe the Implicit Research Test method and what you learned about yourself by taking the test? Do you want to share the result? Were you surprised? Any Christian thoughts?
Remember to respond to at least two of your classmates and the same instructions form previous.
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