Case Study 1.2 (Central Transport) (pg 25) Based on your reading of this Case St

Case Study 1.2 (Central Transport) (pg 25)
Based on your reading of this Case Study, you’re asked to read the case study and use the Case Study Format:  Facts, Problem, Possible Solutions, Recommended Solution, Implementation to layout your analysis of the case.  When you finish with the format items, answer the case study questions as well, and post your answers online. 
If the Case Study Format is not used to analyze your case study and the case study questions and answers are not submitted, points will be deducted. Detail is critical, so carefully review all the information you have gained from your chapter reading & case study, and thoughtfully craft your written responses.  The implementation is what must be done efficiently and effectively to solve the problem.  Typically, this involves taking the plan to key stakeholders (e.g. support departments, subject matter experts (SMEs), decision-makers, leadership) and requesting feedback before moving forward.
Click on the  three dots above the due date to show the grading rubric.
After the completion of the Case Study go to the Proving Ground 1 link to start your badge activity.

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