Assignment 1:The purpose of this assignment is to practice performing more invol

Assignment 1:The purpose of this assignment is to practice performing more involved tasks regarding the appearance, functionality, and security of your WordPress site. Please remember the following: Themes and Plugins may be offered for sale, even through the WordPress wp-admin area. You are NOT expected to purchase a theme. Also remember that you are building up to a final project – this week, as you explore themes and plugins you should be thinking of how it fits with your topic. Remember to reexamine items like your menus after changing themes. Your tasks in your WordPress site:
Review the available free plugins. Choose one and implement/customize it.
Create an additional Author level user named John Smith.
Review the available free themes. Pick one and implement it.
Screenshot each of the following: the page with your plugin or the plugin management interface, the Users list, and a before theme/after theme comparison.
Submit the screenshots
Assignment 2: The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate the skills you’ve gained throughout the course and build and finish your website.Using the WordPress customizer, menu editor, and the other tools of the wp-admin interface, polish your site into a cohesive, finalized product – a blog on a hobby, a resume/portfolio, a hypothetical business site, or some other topic (with prior approval). You may remove elements that were required for previous assignments if desired. All pages/posts must be related and cohesive. In a Word Document, submit screenshots of each page of your website and any notes you wish to leave (i.e. the third screenshot has the widget!).

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