As we look at purpose of life and worldview, the three worldview families really

As we look at purpose of life and worldview, the three worldview families really stick out. 1)The Atheist family of worldviews believes that there is no intent to life, so there is no purpose to life other than passing on one’s DNA making the care of family as most important. After that, the atheistic worldview sees one’s skills and opportunities and creates a personal purpose. Here is Kurzgesagt on Purpose from an Atheistic Nihilistic perspective: 2) The Pantheistic family of worldviews sees the purpose of life as to gain enlightenment in order to transcend the illusion of this reality. Identity and personality do not really exist in the pantheistic view. Eastern Pantheists see desire as a distraction from enlightenment while Western Pantheists (New Age) embraces desire. Here is Jim Carrey on Purpose from a Pantheistic perspective. (Notice things like, “Who’s Jim Carrey, Oh, he doesn’t exist.) : 3) The Christian worldview sees the purpose of life as generally to Glorify God and that we all have a specific calling in life – a gift or skill God has given us to make a difference. We see this general purpose in esteemed theologian J.I. Packer’s definition of a Christian: What is a Christian? Christians can be described from many angles, but from what we have said it is clear that we can cover everything by saying: True Christians are people who acknowledge and live under the word of God. They submit without reserve to the word of God written in “the Book of Truth” (Dan 10:21), believing the teaching, trusting the promises, following the commands. Their eyes are upon the God of the bible as their Father and the Christ of the Bible as their Savior. Christians will tell you, if you ask them, that the Word of God has both convinced them of sin and assured them of forgiveness (J.I. Packer, 1993, Knowing God, p.116). In topics 2 and 3, we saw that the Creational purposes of work, marriage, and family are very important. Christians seek to Find Your Purpose by discovering a calling from God – our missional purpose. The word ‘Vocation’ has a root in the Latin word Voca or which means ‘Calling.’ How do you, think these three beliefs would affect how one would see life differently? (130 words)

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