As we learned in Week 1, the State of Boring takes environmental conservation ve

As we learned in Week 1, the State of Boring takes environmental conservation very seriously. It keeps its shores impeccably clean; has strict plastic use regulations and multiple mandatory recycling programs, as well as strict emissions laws. It recently found though that one of its beaches has been impacted drastically by an increase in garbage coming from the ocean, as well as waste. This is negatively impacting the marine wildlife and ecosystems in the area. The beach is no longer safe for residents to utilize. The cause has been determined to be from the State of Anarchy dumping its garbage and manufacturing wastes into the ocean. This pollution is also affecting Anarchy’s shores and Cabal’s.
In your post this week, discuss how Anarchy’s actions are an international law problem. Are there any global environmental agreements into which the three island states could enter to resolve these issues or should the states create a new international agreement to stop the dumping? Are Anarchy’s actions a problem for the entire world that may need to come before the United Nations or another type of international organization if the problem cannot be resolved between the three island nations amicably?

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