After you’ve read the chapter from Shirky’s book and reviewed at least two of th

After you’ve read the chapter from Shirky’s book and reviewed at least two of the other required materials, write a discussion post that draws on what you have read, seen, or heard (be explicit in naming which pieces you are discussing). You can additionally bring in any other recent examples that relate to Shirky’s points about group formation and what groups can achieve in this age of easy connection via social media and the internet, but you must also refer to and cite specific points in Shirky and some of the other required materials.
You may use the following ideas as a starting place for your discussion board post:
Toward the end of his chapter, Shirky poses two questions: “Why has group action largely been limited to formal organizations? What is happening now to change that?” What is new about the type of collective action he describes, and the way the groups are formed?
Apply Shirky’s ideas about group formation to a current group formed for activism, mutual aid, support, or community that interests you. You can talk about one of the examples in the required materials, or a group or community you’ve followed or been involved with. Think about how the group or community formed, and where, and what its members are getting from the experience, and make a connection with one of the other examples from the required materials this week.

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