500–700 words. Upload your essay in pdf or docx format. This prompt is much more

500–700 words. Upload your essay in pdf or docx format.
This prompt is much more targeted than the first one. For this one, you’ll apply Foucault’s essay “The Politics of Health in the 18th Century” as an analytical lens or theoretical framework through which to view the episodes and controversies related in any one of the following: Brandt’s “Racism and Research,” Stern’s “CA’s Sterilization Survivors,” Owens, “Birth of Gynecology,” or Benjamin’s “Assessing Risk” (note the Black chapter on eugenics is NOT among your options here). Consider how Foucault’s historical elaboration sets the stage for what we see in the centuries following the first wave of medical professionalization in Europe. What might Foucault have to say in terms of the social power and (p…

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