1. Inquire from your program if a current patient/client satisfaction survey exists? SURVEY EXISTS (You may use the form on the second page)
2. If a survey exists, obtain a copy and review the process evaluation/satisfaction survey.
3. Evaluate:
Does the survey provide anonymity?
Is there a portion of the survey that is quantifiable? (measurable)
Is there a portion of the survey that is qualitative? (ask for descriiptive details)
Does the content of the questions adequately assess each element of the program?
(Such as Environment, Services offered, Food if applicable? Time offered, etc)
Are all the questions asked where the affirmative/positive has the highest rating?
Does the survey assess overall effectiveness or satisfaction based on the
client/customers’ perspective?
Is there a section of the survey where the client/patient/customer can add their own
4. If your program administers a satisfaction survey, will they share with you their results? (either monthly, quarterly or even annually)
5. Upload a copy of their satisfaction survey form (if organization will allow).
6. Answer the questions above with your evaluation of their survey form along with the
aggregate analyzed results of their survey (if applicable).
7. What did you learn regarding this activity as it applies to program evaluation and/or your
social work career?
2. Create a survey using the following criteria (You may copy and paste an example and add your own questions)
Do not ask for name, or any identifiable demographic information
Create 5 quantifiable questions using a likert scale
Create 3 qualitative questions using a likert scale
Questions adequately assess each element of the program
Questions asked where the affirmative/positive has the highest rating
Include a comment section
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