You will write a reflection paper on what sport communication is and how it appl

You will write a reflection paper on what sport communication is and how it applies to your interests.
Format: 2 full pages of text. Double space. 12 point font. Times New Roman. APA style is REQUIRED. If you are not proficient, seek help from the campus writing center. You will be graded on your thoughtfulness, your use of the readings, how well the paper is written, and correct format. Please do not turn in a paper that you have not proofread.
Cover page (5 points) (name, course number, date, reaction paper title) **This does not count in the 2-4 pages
Section 1: Describe your understanding of sport communication from the readings (45 points)
At a minimum, you should cite (1) our textbook, Billings et al. You are welcome to cite additional sources. If your information in this section is guided closely by the readings, lecture, and class discussion, you will have no trouble answering this correctly.
Section 2: Applying sport communication to yourself (45 points)
This section is all your original thoughts. This may include the benefits of learning about sport communication in your (future) career or social life and topics that especially interest you within the realm of sport communication (PR, fantasy sports, coaching, etc.). Anything is fair game.
A references page (5 points) citing all of your sources. 2 sources at minimum, you will have the textbook as one. (10 points) **This does not count in the 2 pages
Billings, A.C., Butterworth, M.L. & Turman, P.D. Communication and Sport, Surveying the Field, 4th Ed.

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