You will need to install and use Microsoft SQL Server Express and Microsoft SQL

You will need to install and use Microsoft SQL Server Express and Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) for this course. You can download the latest versions of these free software products here:
Microsoft SQL Server Express
Microsoft SSMS
Before completing the Assignment, please watch the Unit 3 videos covering facets associated with physical database modeling. Navigate to the Academic Tools area of this course and select Library then Required Readings to access your texts and videos.Based on the established database design diagram and the data contained in the Movies Dataset:
Identify the elements to be included in the physical data model.
Using SQL Server Management Studio Designer tools, create the database.
Using SQL Server Management Studio Designer tools, create the tables (convert entity names to table names).
Using SQL Server Management Studio Designer tools, associate column names (convert attribute names to column or field names), datatype, and number of characters for each attribute (field).
Using SQL Server Management Studio Designer tools, establish the primary keys for each of the tables.
Using SQL Server Management Studio Designer tools, establish any foreign keys for each of the tables (here you are converting your relationships to foreign keys).
Create a screenshot of your SQL Management Studio showing the database and tables you have created; embed this screenshot into your Word document.
Please use the following guidance document to help you complete this assignment: Instructions for Using the Microsoft SSMS Designer Tools to Generate the Movies Database
You will need to use the established database design diagram and Movies Dataset for this assignment. Download and use the diagram and data for your analysis.
Assignment Requirements
Microsoft SQL Server Express and SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) MUST be installed to complete this Assignment.
Compose your Assignment in a Word document and be sure to identify yourself, your class, and unit Assignment at the top of your paper. Embed the screenshots from SQL Server Management Studio showing the work performed for the creation of the database and tables.
Also review the university policy on plagiarism. If you have any questions, please contact your professor.
The assignment is due by the final day of the Unit 3 week.

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