you prepared an infographic that displays key events/trends that caused a defini

you prepared an infographic that displays key events/trends that caused a definition/mission change in DHS. Learning from past events/trends is so important to understand historical threat levels. It also provides good information for possible future events and threats. However, some threats are low probability and high-risk events like COVID-19. It’s hard (not impossible) to figure them out earlier and take the required precautions.
In this activity, you will act as a decisionmaker for DHS and will revisit historical threats/events and respond to the following questions by examining course resources and completing your own research from credible sources.
– Examine the current budget report for the DHS ( and think about current mission areas and their sub-responsibilities. Then, prioritize mission areas for budgeting (i.e, 1. Secure Cyberspace and Critical Infrastructure, 2. Champion the DHS Workforce and Strengthen the Department, 3, 4, 5, 6). Justify your reasoning for each mission. (For example, why securing cyberspace and CISA should take the least/most in the budget? For example, you may justify your argument based on recent scientific research in …, threat level, future risk/threat trends according to … report, etc.)
– Do you think current mission areas are good for DHS? If so, your supervisor does not agree with you and wants you to prepare a report to move at least one of the mission areas (for example, Secure Cyberspace and Critical Infrastructure) and its organizations (i.e., CISA) to another executive department. Which mission area/s should be removed, moved to, or changed? Why? What is the best executive department for the mission and related sub-organizations? Why? Justify your arguments.
– We were not ready for counter-terrorism before 9/11, and we were not resilient against disaster until Hurricane Katrina. We had tough lessons from the past. Now, it’s your turn. Examine the new possible future threats and risks and prepare department a priori change rather than a posteriori. Select at least two broad threat/risk areas to include in DHS missions and do your work before being so late. What are the two risks/threats you found very important for the future? Explain your reasoning for selecting these threats/risks by supporting your argument with credible reports/sources. Write your recommendations (at least two) to DHS for these changes.
I attached an infographic that I used earlier in this class and might help you with the above questions.

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