You are going to conduct an interview and write about it. The format requirement

You are going to conduct an interview and write about it. The format requirements are loose for this paper, as different news media have different rules for interviews. I do have a few loose requirements below.
Your interview will be more than 1 page(with no heading on your paper). MLA type format. Please remember to use pyramid format, and try to zero in on what the most important question is for this interview. Include the questions you asked and the answers they gave. You can sum up some of their questions and just directly quote them occasionally and write it as an editorial reflection, a narrative. Find a sample interview and attach the link to this assignment so I can see what format you are following.
This assignment is to interview someone you know or want to get to know. Start with these questions: What is the best question that you can ask, what is the best tribute? What is most striking about their human experience? Many students in the past have interviewed family members, dorm roommates, adult mentors, etc.
You will need to include:
the questions you asked,
how they responded,
any editorial bits you might want to add
how you would use the information you gained in an article (practice including quotes vs. summarizing information).
You can search the various news formats for interview examples, and include a link to an example you are following.
The TV Guide has been conducting interviews and publishing them in the Sunday paper for years and years. They usually have a feature story where they interview a popular star. You can look them up online for a sample interview. Larry King, Barbara Walters, Matt Lauer, and Oprah Winfrey are just a few people known for their interviews, and you can look up a sample written interview of theirs.
Happy interviewing! This should be come a second-nature skill for a writer. You will get many of your ideas and story leads from talking to people, so this is an exercise to help you become comfortable with talking to people and writing it down. Let me know if you have any questions, and be sure to read the chapter and links for handouts that will give you guidance.
*Make sure you read the Interviewing Principles document attached.

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