which is ( I would like health insurance for immigrants and how they cannot appl

which is ( I would like health insurance for immigrants and how they cannot apply to health insurance)
An effective social work problem statement needs to have three components that include:
Component #1: A social work problem (e.g., drug addiction, suicidal behavior, or autism);
Component #2: A client population (e.g., adolescent males, adult females, or unemployed adults);
Component #3: An agency (e.g., inpatient treatment from an agency in Houston, Texas)
a. Choose three vague social work problems from the table below.
Vague Social Work Problems
Parolees needing Employment and Housing
Older Adults at home with Dementia
Immigrants Experiencing Barriers to Health Care
b. For each vague social work problem you choose, develop one problem statement using the three components above.
c. pick what you believe to be the strongest of the three social work problem statements and write why you think it is the strongest statement.
d. Now that you have practiced developing proper social work problem statements using the three components above create and share your actual social work problem statement that you plan to focus on for your research proposal (again, don’t forget to use the three components above). Make sure this is something meaningful to you ( I would like health insurance for immigrants and how they cannot apply to health insurance)

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