What Interests You Most For this assignment, you will be taking your education i

What Interests You Most
For this assignment, you will be taking your education in macroeconomics into your own hands. You will be searching your textbook, Principles of MacroeconomicsLinks to an external site. by OpexStax, for topics you would like to learn more about in this course.
The goal of this assignment is for you to become familiar with your textbook as well as looking ahead to the concepts that we will be expanding on. There are no right or wrong topics to choose. I want you to choose topics that genuinely interest you.
In your textbook, find 3 topics that interest you. Please reference the syllabus to ensure the 3 topics of your choice will be covered. Look up the definitions of the topics in the book and then do a quick search for those topics on the internet. What did you find? Are the definitions similar or different? In your internet search, what kinds of headlines came up? Were there any news articles associated with them that interested you? Why did these topics interest you? Feel free to expand on these questions.
Please write a paragraph (minimum of 4 sentences) per topic. You will have a minimum of 3 paragraphs total. Please format it like a paper you would turn in for an English class. MLA or APA format is fine (no need to worry about citations for this assignment). If you do reference a source other than your textbook, include the source in the sentence. I expect thoughtful and concise answers. I do not tolerate “texting” language. I will be using AI detection software to check the validity of these papers. There is a rubric attached to this assignment for further expectations of what I am looking for.

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