Week 4: Employee Empowerment Memo You have been asked to provide some ideas abou

Week 4: Employee Empowerment Memo
You have been asked to provide some ideas about employee engagement to the CEO of your selected company (you may use the company from your Week 2 assignment or you may use your current organization). In your Week 4 assignment, you will write a memo to the CEO providing at least three recommendations of an organizational program/initiative to increase employee empowerment along with the expected benefits. As this is a memo to CEO of your organization, ensure you utilize persuasive language and professional in your delivery (correct spelling and grammar). you may utilize this assignment template to complete the memo.
Assignment Grading RubricCategoryDescriptionPointsPercentage
Benefits of increasing employee empowermentPaper provides clear explanation of employee empowerment3030
Three suggestions of organizational programs/initiatives to increase employee empowermentProvide a clear and concise suggestion 3030
Overview of expected benefitsProvide detailed explanation of the expected benefits 3030
APAPaper is formatted using APA guidelines and includes a title page, and references cited properly1010
TotalAll sections meet or exceeds above requirements100100

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