Week 3 Gender & Health No unread replies.No replies. This discussion is on prep

Week 3 Gender & Health
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This discussion is on preparation for Week 4 lecture: Descriptive Epidemiology and Data Sources
Who, What and Where are key questions to evaluate and compare trends in health and disease. The example below examine the question of who.
The UCLA School of Law Williams Institute https://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/publications/data-collection-sogi/ . recommends that health surveillance surveys should include questions that capture all three dimensions of sexual orientation https://nap.nationalacademies.org/read/13128/chapter/4 , sexual identity, sexual behavior and attraction, to explore the relationship between multiple aspects of sexual orientation and physical, sexual, and mental health in the population. In the past decade, national health surveys https://www.cdc.gov/hiv/clinicians/transforming-health/health-care-providers/collecting-sexual-orientation.html . have incorporated sexual orientation questions however, there is variation on how data have been collected https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5404274/#B6 . For example, more surveys ask questions concerning all three aspects of sexual orientation (i.e., sexual identity, sexual behavior and attraction) for youth below the age of 18 than for respondents aged 18 or older.
First, can we expect survey answers to be different based on participant’s age? Why?
Second, can we use these data to make comparisons between the populations answering the surveys?

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