Watch these 5 Videos: RAE Gas Meter Training Pt. 1 – Gas Meters 101, Acronyms, a

Watch these 5 Videos:
RAE Gas Meter Training Pt. 1 – Gas Meters 101, Acronyms, and Sensors – YouTube
RAE Gas Meter Training Pt 2: What is a PID? – YouTube
RAE Gas Meter Training Pt 3: Single Gas, Multi-Gas, & PID – YouTube
RAE Gas Meter Training Pt 4: Menus & Correction Factors – YouTube
RAE Gas Meter Training Pt 5: Calibration, Maintenance, & Wireless – YouTube
Now I want you to watch the following two videos on how to calibrate a MultiRae
Calibrating a MultiRAE – YouTube
How to Calibrate a MultiRAE Gas Meter – YouTube
And lastly, you have the actual manuel:
MultiRAE User’s Guide (
After watching all the given videos, I want you to construct a Technical Document on how to Calibrate a MultiRae. I want it to be ~3 pages and have 3 sources. Understand, I am giving you the sources you need. I have done some research on technical documents and I don’t like anything I see using a Google search.
So what I want is in this format
Title and Reason for Paper
Why it is important to keep instrument calibration, along with needed terms
Procedure on how to do it
Opinion of if you got anything out of this project.

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