Video INSTRUCTIONS Watch “When


Watch “When Americans fought for Mexico: St Patrick’s Battalion” and write a 1full page or more response to the following prompt:
Although many European immigrants and African-American slaves joined the St Patrick’s Battalion, they were predominately made up of Irish immigrants. Explain why you think the Irish played such a dominate role in the creation of the new Mexican Army Battalion? Do you think any other immigrant group would have done the same thing?
All written assignments must be typed using Times New Roman font, 12-point font, double spaced, 1” borders and in black ink.
Assignments must contain: full name, date, class and section number.
All late and emailed assignments will lose 10% of the grade. Individuals who do not follow this format will lose points on assignment final grade.
If your information was obtained from a textbook or the internet, be sure to cite your sources.

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