Using Technology to Support HR Goals “Alley, I have my list of items we want to

Using Technology to Support HR Goals
“Alley, I have my list of items we want to consider for our employee
engagement software. That was no easy feat! I have been working on this
for three weeks. I need your help to hone it down; it is a long wish
“I think we need to figure out what we really need and what our employees would most benefit from,” said Alley.
“I saw some of these software systems demoed at the SHRM Conference
in the last years,” Robert mused. “They seem to need to be tailored
somewhat to a particular organization’s needs.”
“They do. For us, we need the platform to help us with organizational
cultural alignment, personal wellness, employee surveys (with lots of
power to vary delivery structure), recognition framework from all
directions, peer, leaders and direct reports…” Alley trailed off,
thinking hard.
“Do not forget we also need something with enough capability to help
us understand employee demography and a way to help employees plan for
their professional future, maybe a career map to their dream job?”
Discussion Post
We now know that so many more things matter to employees in the
workplace than organizations once did. The challenge is achieving the
capability to measure and improve the areas that matter, and there are
now so many. The conversation between Alley and Robert about
organizational cultural alignment, personal wellness, employee surveys
(with lots of power to vary delivery structure), recognition framework
from all directions, peers, leaders, and direct reports tells us how
important engagement is. Finding the right platform to support all of
those HR needs is not easy and can be done incorrectly. Now, what do
Alley and Robert need to do to make sure they pick the best possible
platform to support the most successful engagement model?
What are some key criteria for selecting an effective platform to support employee engagement programs for the organization?
What actual elements of an engagement platform as discussed by Robert and Alley are most important in your opinion?

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