Use the information below to write a complete news story. Don’t forget your head

Use the information below to write a complete news story. Don’t forget your headline. Remember, there are some AP mistakes in this. Don’t assume anything is correctly formatted.
When: Today
Where: Baton Rouge, La.
The Details:
A patient at Our Lady of the Lake Regional Medical Center in Baton Rouge, LA, is accused of punching a nurse in the head and attempting to attack a doctor.
According to police reports, Jim Smith, a 21-year-old from Atlanta, GA, was being treated at the hospital when he became combative.
He allegedly attacked his nurse, 27-year-old Barry Blount before exiting the room and charging at Dr. Elizabeth Celestine. Celestine was standing in the hall a few feet from the door that led into Smith’s room. Celestine, a neonatal specialist, was not treating Smith and had not been assigned to treat Smith.
Security guard Mitchell McGowen, who recently moved to the area from Cartersville, GA, was working his first night on the job. McGowen interceded, and tackled Smith before he could reach Celestine. McGowan and a second unidentified guard restrained Smith until police could arrive and make an arrest.
Police were on the scene in 33 minutes following a report of the instance being made to 911.
According to booking documents, Smith yelled threats at the doctor as he rushed from his room and toward Celestine. Documents say Jones continued to shout at the doctor, “I will get you!”
The nurse, Blount, sustained no injuries and was able to complete his shift.
Smith has been charged with assault and battery.
Direct quotes:
Barry Blount: “It was more of a shock than a pain, really. One second, everything was fine. Then I told him the doctor wanted me to give him a shot rather than send him away with a prescription for pain pills and he just went off.”
Mitchell McGowen: “I heard a loud, almost guttural scream, and saw this guy in a hospital gown running after a doctor. Fortunately, I was able get there before he could get to her. I have no idea why he was so angry. I just knew I couldn’t let him hurt one of our doctors.”
Hospital President Gretchen Mullins: “This morning, we arrived at work to find out that a deranged person had attacked one of our nurses and tried to attack one of our doctors. We are thankful to our crack security team for their fast actions, especially Mitch McGowen. We are working closely with law enforcement to resolve this. To the extent we are able, we want to press charges.”
Police Detective Amanda Huggins: “Sadly, pain pill addictions are a real problem in Baton Rouge and have been for many years. This is another example of the dangers of addiction. It is our belief that this man, Mr. Smith, admitted himself to the hospital under false pretenses hoping to be prescribed narcotic pain pills. When a doctor, not the one he tried to attack, did not fall for the ruse, Mr. Smith became violent. We are just thankful that no one was hurt and that hospital security took such swift action.”

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