Use copyleaks to check for AI and please upload a screenshot as proof. The work

Use copyleaks to check for AI and please upload a screenshot as proof. The work should be in APA with atleast two sources and should be one pages in length excluding coverpage and refrences
This link provides good information on developing fact sheets and gives examples:
< <
Here is an example
I attached a picture of the example
You can keep it simple but the point is it needs to be easy to read and here are some basic guidelines
One page is best
Use at 10-14 point font
The page should begin with the words “Fact Sheet,” followed by a very brief headline that explains the subject of the page.
Use bullets when you can
Leave a lot of white space
Use bolding, text boxes, and graphics to emphasize important points
Simple graphs and charts can give the reader the information with just a glance. Pie charts are the easiest to understand
Give references for more information – in electronic communications you can offer links.
you will be taking in the role of public health program manager collaborating with legislators on policy to address a public health concern that you will each read about in a case study that you are assigned. You are being tasked with developing a one-page fact sheet for distribution to members of a U.S. congressional subcommittee. I ask that you use Microsoft Word to create this fact sheet and attach it to your initial/main posts. Within the fact sheet, you should focus on health equity and social determinants as the content used for advocacy purposes.

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