Use copyleaks to check for AI and please upload a screenshot as proof. The work

Use copyleaks to check for AI and please upload a screenshot as proof. The work should be in MLA with atleast one sources and should be two pages in length excluding coverpage and refrencesW
hat is next? Write the confirmation paragraphs for your researched argument paper. This is a graded checkpoint for my feedback to help correct any mistakes before they appear in your researched argument paper that is due in three weeks.
< < What are the confirmation paragraphs? These two paragraphs are the heart of your paper because they support your position on your controversial topic. They introduce, explain, and support your two specific points from your thesis statement. (I have corrected your thesis, so be SURE to use the corrected version. It will affect your grade.) < < How do I write the confirmation paragraphs? Follow each step below–carefully, with college-level skill. Also, use the sample researched argument paper as a guide. < < STEP 1: Using the perfectly formatted MLA document that contains your introduction paragraph with your thesis, add your confirmation paragraphs. < < STEP 2: Identify the two points in your thesis so that you can write focused topic sentences. < < EXAMPLE THESIS with the first point in bold: Although some people believe that pipelines pose too many risks to the health and safety of the environment, pipelines are the most efficient and economical ways to move resource because they boost the U.S. economy and they reduce dependence on oil from the Middle East. < < STEP 2: From your first point, write a topic sentence for your paragraph. Make sure to identify your first point in the topic sentence of your paragraph. < < Pipelines are the most efficient and economical ways to move resource because they boost the U.S. economy. and they reduce dependence on oil from the Middle East. (Now all of the sentences that follow will prove that the use of pipelines in America is vital to boosting and maintaining a strong U.S. economy.) < < Next, write do the same steps to write the second confirmation point. < < Next, pipelines are the most efficient and economical ways to move resource because they reduce dependence on oil from the Middle East. < < STEP 3: After your topic sentences, write a 150-200 word paragraph for each confirmation paragraph that explain why the topic sentence is valid–and provide at least TWO pieces of supporting evidence with your research material. You can do this by summary, paraphrase, or quotes. < < Sentence 1: Create a topic sentence for your first viewpoint. < < Sentence 2: First piece of information from source to back up the topic sentence; documented correctly. < < Sentence 3: Sentence explaining how source information supports topic sentence. < < Sentence 4: Second piece of information from source to back up the topic sentence; documented correctly. < < Sentence 5: Sentence explaining how source information supports topic sentence. < < Optional Sentence 6: Third piece of information from source to back up the topic sentence; documented correctly. < < Optional Sentence 7: Sentence explaining how source information supports topic sentence. < < Sentence 8: Transition sentence moving into next point. < < STEP 4: Check your work with the questions below. < < Did you refer to the topic sentence at strategic points in the paragraph? Just repeating a keyword or phrase once or twice in a paragraph can focus the reader’s attention and add force to the entire point. However, avoid any repetition that doesn’t serve a specific purpose. < Did you begin a body paragraph with a quote? Revise it–Your topic sentence is not a quote. < Did you use sound logic to fully explain and prove your point? No fallacies. < Finally, did you make sure to tie all of this information together by showing how it relates to your overall position statement? (Look at the position section of your thesis.) < STEP 5: Add your source(s) used to the Works Cited page using proper MLA format. Use hanging indent. < < Next, follow the same steps to write the second confirmation paragraph. < < < < STEP 6: Proofread and submit your work. Make sure your submission is in MLA format; make sure that you have a total of three paragraphs (introduction, confirmation paragraph 1, and confirmation paragraph 2). Also make sure you have your Works Cited page as part of your submission.

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