to think through these considerations to develop your perspective on measuring c

to think through these considerations to develop your perspective on measuring country risk.
The spreadsheet (see attach file: country risk spreadsheet) lists three factors-political, social, and economic-commonly cited as sources of country risk. Think about each factor and assign each a weight that represents the level of importance that you think it has for overall country risk. The sum of these weights should equal 100% (1.00).
Once this is done, review the list of indicators associated with country risk. Using the Delphi approach, categorize each indicator according to whether you consider it to be a source of political, social, or economic risk. The list is not exhaustive and you should add (exclude) any indicators that you find relevant (irrelevant).
Once you have settled on and categorized the relevant risk indicators within each risk factor group, develop a weighting scheme to assign each a weight that represents the level of importance that you think it has within each risk factor category (political, social, or economic.). As above, the sum of these weights within each factor category should equal 100% (1.00).
Your results here will then be used to compare with the models developed by your Country Risk Assessment teammates after you select your country in the next part of the assignment.

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