“The strong do what they will, the weak suffer what they must,” said the incompa

“The strong do what they will, the weak suffer what they must,” said the incomparable Thucydides. Was this the meaning behind the words of Thrasymachus? “What is strong wins,” claimed Nietzsche…Can this be argued successfully against?
Is there the strength of moral persuasion?
Please: let us look to the story of the “Ring of Gyges” on p. 75. How would you answer the question asked? What is the meaning of this story? Did Plato really mean to indict humanity and its mores? How we to look on the issue of anonymity in a transparent age?
The Presocratics were easily the most innovative thinkers in history…They were the first: philosophers, scientists, poets, etc. Thales proposal of water’s commonality , universality is lesson enough: we are 70% water (newborns are 90%) and water is two thirds of the planet, a means for communication, transportation, leisure, food, and so on…Was there a philosophical meaning to water as well?
“Is there any way to refute the argument that ‘might makes right”?
at least SIX sentences in response to the discussion question AND citing at least two quotes from the current chapter for argument support—(with page numbers in parentheses—this is required)
Chapter 3 In the book Archetypes of Wisdom
An Introduction to Philosophy
By Douglas J Soccio.
The book can be found for free on openlibrary.org for an hour

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