The attached file is part1 and part 2 combined the assignment that you is doing

The attached file is part1 and part 2 combined the assignment that you is doing is part 3 that needs to be added to the part 1-2 file and Table of contents need to be updated.
This week, you will continue work on your SEMP by completing the System Engineering Processes section. The following information should be completed and added to your SEMP. Describe the details for each of the systems engineering processes.
New Content: Systems Engineering Processes
Organization: Describe the project’s organization and team locations.
Environments: Describe the technical environment for the project and how it will be managed. Include the tools and the descriptions of handoffs between the tools for each subteam. (For example, describe the handoff from requirements engineering to design.)
Decision-Making Process: Describe the decision-making process(es) used in the project. This should include
Trade studies, control boards, working groups, and other forums.
At least two viable ethical considerations required in industry to be addressed during technical reviews.
System Engineering Model: Describe the system engineering model used and the rationale for its choice. Include a description of the analysis that was done to choose an engineering model. Include the reason for the choice of models. Include a trade-off of at least 2 different models.
Systems Engineering Processes: Describe the following processes used in the project:
Configuration Management: Describe the configuration for all system components, interfaces, and other artifacts produced by the engineering process.
Requirements Engineering: Describe how requirements will be clarified, expanded, validated, updated, reviewed, and approved.
Functional Analysis: Describe how requirements will be grouped into an initial system structure.
Design: This includes the hardware and software design.
Build Management
Describe the process used to create, manage, and transmit builds.
Software Development
Hardware Development
System Integration

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