Submit a written discussion and two responses to peers for points in this assign

Submit a written discussion and two responses to peers for points in this assignment.
Discussion Topic:
During this discussion, please choose one of the questions below and provide a response. Responses should be well thought out, developing your ideas clearly. Please use proper grammar and spelling. Your response is due on Wednesday and your reply to classmates is due Sunday.
Using the National Priorities List website ( to an external site.), find a superfund site and describe what the concerns are on the site. Are the problems ongoing?
Companies from the United States have sites all over the world, due to laxed environmental and safety regulations, and limited labor laws. This means its cheaper to produce outside the U.S.. During the Bhopal, India tragedy, safety and environmental protection standards were not readily maintained. Do you think that American companies should have to follow the more stringent U.S. standards while operating in other countries? Explain your reasoning.
The Love Canal was one of many hazardous waste sites in the United States. After CERCLA was enacted, superfund cleaned up many of these sites. Do you think CERCLA and SARA are successful today? Give examples of why or why not and explain your reasoning.
response 1 (abdullah):
Companies from the United States have sites all over the world, due to laxed environmental and safety regulations, and limited labor laws. This means its cheaper to produce outside the U.S.. During the Bhopal, India tragedy, safety and environmental protection standards were not readily maintained. Do you think that American companies should have to follow the more stringent U.S. standards while operating in other countries? Explain your reasoning.
I think the company will think a lot to take this decision because when they do it in other country with low cost without proper precution that will put this company in a risk if any thing that will happen lead to huge losses of this company and name of this company will effect. if they think deeply on this and add more cost to their safety they will save a lot. Also, if they want to work outside the U.S they need to take the same stringent U.S standard and share it will all workers to protect them. Further more , if any incident happen the company will pay a lot to fix any thing that effect and the bill will be huge.
Response 2 (fawaz) :
Companies from the United States have sites all over the world, due to laxed environmental and safety regulations, and limited labor laws. This means its cheaper to produce outside the U.S.. During the Bhopal, India tragedy, safety and environmental protection standards were not readily maintained. Do you think that American companies should have to follow the more stringent U.S. standards while operating in other countries? Explain your
We all agree that every company in the world and not only the one in United States is looking to maximize its profit. As result, companies are trying to reduce their spending as much as they can. However, nowadays the CEOs of these companies have become more careful aboutthe safety of their factories than before. Because these days we have a strong media which can easily affect these companies’ profit by sharing articles explaining the failure ofthese companies. Also, we have a lot of safety and environmental organizations. I think American companies specially the leading one, should serve as an example for others. These companies should follow the U.S. standers even while operating outside the country. Becausethey know the benefits of these standards andnormally, they are using them as reference. These rules in the end are made to protect their work, and workers, along with their reputation, and other values things. Peopleknow that every rule or stander have been put after deep study and a lot of experiments. Asresult, they must follow them, because eventually It will backfire on those who do not follow them.

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