Students are expected to research a current event topic that is relevant within

Students are expected to research a current event topic that is relevant within the past 5 years and present it to the class. Topics must follow the requirements below and grading will be based on the rubrics attached.
Presentation Content Requirements
Freestyle – Provide a current event that highlights your personal interests in the EHS field. Connect your current event to a governing agency within the EHS field. EPA, OSHA, NIOSH, CDC, BLM, USFW, or any others and discuss how the agency is involved.
Areas of interest may be:Air quality
Water Quality
Hazardous Materials/Waste
Radiological/Nuclear Waste
Solid Waste/Recycling
Current ballot measures affecting San Diego, CA or the US
Changes to regulations, industry standards, or industry practices
Other environmental issues or topics (if you are unsure, email me the topic and article for approval)
Safety in the workplace
Safety Management
Industrial Hygiene topics (Chemicals, noise, ergonomics, radiation)
Injury and Illness in the workplace
Current ballot measures affecting San Diego, CA or the US
Changes to regulations, industry standards, or industry practices
Other occupational health and safety issues. (if you are unsure, email me the topic and article for approval)
You must provide a minimum of 3 references from reputable sources. Submit on a word document in the assignment:
Presentation Format
Create a Pecha Kucha presentation, which will consists of 10 to 15 slides, for 20 seconds at a time, recorded with a screen recorder. Your final presentation should be 3 minutes and 20 seconds to 5 minutes. An acceptable presentation must include a PowerPoint (or similar program) recorded with a screen recording device and submitted in video format like mp4 or a youtube link. To record your screen and audio, you can use the Canvas Studio link, Screen Cast-O-Matic software (click here to link)Links to an external site. for free, Powerpoint recording feature of any other recording software. To learn more about making a Pecha Kucha video, please refer to the videos below. You must turn in a video, not a PowerPoint presentation.

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