Step 2: Analyze and Evaluate As you reflect on the information you’ve just revie

Step 2: Analyze and Evaluate
As you reflect on the information you’ve just reviewed. Consider the following:
What are the three most common risk factors of cardiovascular disease?
What are the five primary behaviors that increase the risk for high blood pressure?
What are the six primary factors that increase the risk of high levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol? How many of them are behavioral, meaning they can be changed?
What is the relationship between diabetes and consuming too much sugar?
What is the primary predictor of whether someone will develop Type 2 diabetes?
What causes weight gain and obesity (excluding genetic or environmental influences)?
Step 3: Interpret the Evidence
What does all this information mean for you? Answer the questions in the “Too Much of a Good Thing” worksheet (DOCX). “Too Much of a Good Thing” worksheet (DOCX). – Alternative Formats
Click the link and save to your computer.
Be sure to respond to each question completely. Don’t just list information, explain it. Use the questions in Step 2: Analyze and Evaluate to guide your responses.
Use the notes you took or consult back to the appropriate source.
Typically, you will need 2-3 sentences to fully answer the question.
After your response on each question. Type the name of the website(s) or the textbook you the information came from. You are documenting your information

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