Show the simulation graph on a vertical time axis (like in slides, with events l

Show the simulation graph on a vertical time axis (like in slides, with events labeled with the senders number A-E) the contention period of five equally distanced Ethernet stations that all attempt to transmit at T=0 a minimally sized frame, in the style of the binary Exponential Backoff Algorithm. Assume that time is measured in slot times, and that exactly one slot time is needed to detect a collision (so that if two stations transmit at T=1 and collide, and one of them chooses a backoff time k=0, then that station will transmit again at T=2).
Use coin flips or some other source of randomness as follows: write your student ID in binary ->e.g., 1001010101010010110010100101011.
use the bits in order from the least significant to the most significant. If for a given coin throw you need k bits, use the least significant student ID bit extracted
in the corresponding group of bits, as the least significant bit of the coin thrown.
For example, with the above ID, if we need a number between 0-7 and then another between 0-15, the first will be 011=3, and the second will be 0101=5
Also run one simulation with the random sequence R: 100101010101001011001010 010 1011 10010101010 100 10110010 100101011
T0: x x x x x
T1: 1. 1. 0x. 1. 0x
T2: 1x. 1x. 01 1x. 10
T3: 10. 00x. x 11. 10
T4: 10. 100. 010. 11. T
T5: T. 100. 010. 11. _
T6: _. 100. x. x. _
T7: _ 100. 1010 010 _
T8. _. T. 1010. 010 _
T9. _. _ 1010. T _
T10. _. _ 1010. _ _

T17 _ _ T _ _
My student ID: 903959688 USE IT
you can find the graph on slide 143/144, and everything else you need on slides.

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