set goals for your own development as a singer and a musician in choir this term

set goals for your own development as a singer and a musician in choir this term, based on your past experience and interests. 700 words (I’m a student in the soprano section of the choir.)
answer the following
1. By the end of this term, I would like to be able to…
you may make reference to vocal technique, ensemble singing, and listening skills, musical styles, social skills, or other aspects of choral music-making that are interesting to you. Set 2-3 specific, measurable goals for yourself.
2. Making specific reference to your own past musical experience(s), what musical skills and experience do I already have that I can build on to achieve these goals?
3. What do I need to improve this term in order to achieve these goals, and how can I measure my improvement?
4. What can we do together as an ensemble this term to make our music-making matter to ourselves, our supporters, and our broader community? Think broadly about the meaning of making music together both for yourself and for our world.

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