Selection and Description of Data – Selects village or town in the United States

Selection and Description of Data
– Selects village or town in the United States.
– Thoroughly and accurately describes geographical and demographic characteristics of the community.
County Health Priorities
– Uses appropriate databases to guide selection of health priorities.
– Health priority selections are clearly supported by data presented in databases.
– Identifies limitations of using public databases to select health priorities.
Health Indicators
– Identifies and uses statistics to justify two physical environments for each selected health indicator.
– Identifies and uses statistics to justify two health behaviors for each selected health indicator.
– Identifies and uses statistics to justify two clinical care indicators for each selected health indicator.
– Identifies limitations of using public databases to select health priorities.
Formatting and Mechanics
– Meets 5 page minimum and does not exceed 8 pages.
– Double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12 pt font.
– Includes cover page and reference page in APA format.

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