Select one of the four documents below or research on internet something similar

Select one of the four documents below or research on internet something similar, and elaborate an essay based on the theory of Chapter 9, Figures 2, 3 and 4:
The controversy over free trade. The gap between the economists and the general public The controversy over free trade. The gap between the economists and the general public – Alternative Formats .
Is free trade passé? Is free trade passé? – Alternative Formats Paul Krugman.
SMEs and international competition SMEs and international competition – Alternative Formats .
After 20 Years, NAFTA Draws Praise and Controversy After 20 Years, NAFTA Draws Praise and Controversy – Alternative Formats .
The Contentious U.S. China Trade Relationship The Contentious U.S. China Trade Relationship – Alternative Formats . Council on Foreign Relations.
Use the theory of the week to confront the different views with critical thinking; personal opinions are not welcomed. Explain the benefits of free trade. You must summarize the readings of the week; you must provide real life examples and explain them using the theory. Explain the controversies over free trade, who are the winners and losers, and why. You must summarize the readings of the week; you must provide real life examples and explain them using the theory. Explain the pros and cons of tariffs to restrict imports. You must summarize your conclusions.

Your assignment should be submitted as a Word document, so remember to use paragraphs and a report structure to your report.
Your research paper this week should be between 250 and 350 words. Shorter submissions will be penalized. Longer assignments are acceptable only if the extra words add substance to your report. At the bottom of your assignment, you should include a word count (how many words are in your post).
Structure your paper as a report.
You must cite all the information used in your report and include the sources in your reference listing.
Remember: you should not “copy and paste” information. Plagiarism Click for more options Plagiarism – Alternative Formats is penalized with a zero in the assignment the first time, and a zero in the course the second time. Use your own words and quote only facts or numbers)
Remember to include citations to your sources in the body of your assignment and to provide the references at the end of your post. Where possible, please make the links to any web information clickable links. Remember the references and links must be to the article you used, not just to the web site. Be sure to include the full URL, otherwise your link will not be clickable.
In your response you must demonstrate your knowledge of chapter 9, especially: 9-2. The Winners and Losers from Trade; 9-2a. The Gains and Losses of an Exporting Country; 9-2b. The Gains and Losses of an Importing Country; 9-2c. The Effects of a Tariff; Chapter 9, Figures 2, 3 and 4.
Your grade is based on the rubric below.

Did not meet standard
Somewhat met standard
Met standard
Excellent work
Theory, literature review
No reading material used or cited
Some reading material used and cited, showing some understanding
Adequate reading material used and cited, showing good understanding
Excellent use of reading material showing a depth of understanding and interpretation, meeting or exceeding expectations
Information, research
Poor quality of research and information used.
Acceptable level of research. Main information was incorporated. Some examples.
Good research. Most needed information is present. Good examples
Excellent research, excellent information. Excellent examples
Analysis, synthesis, critical thinking
Inadequate analysis, main issue(s) not understood, not much details. No synthesis, introduction, subtitles, conclusion.
Some analysis, main issue(s) understood but not analyzed adequately, some details. Some synthesis, introduction, subtitles, conclusion.
Adequate analysis, main issue(s) understood and analyzed well with adequate detail. Adequate synthesis, introduction, subtitles, conclusion.
Excellent analysis, shows real depth of understanding of main issue(s) and its implication, arguments well supported with details. Excellent synthesis, introduction, subtitles, conclusion.
Professional writing (APA)
Poor professionalism and APA standards.
Limited professionalism and APA standards.
Good professionalism and APA standards.
Excellent professionalism and APA standards.

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