Research Paper: The requirements for the research paper are as follows: Must be

Research Paper:
The requirements for the research paper are as follows:
Must be 4 typed pages and submitted through Turnitin. Must be double-spaced, size 12 Times New Roman font.
Papers must include a works cited page and in-text citations should be used for quotations and information from sources used throughout the paper. If it is not your words, it must be cited.
Must have a minimum of 5 academic sources. (Wikipedia is NOT an academic source)
Papers should explain the background of the issue/why it is a debated topic and both sides of the argument for or against it.
Papers should thoroughly and accurately explain the issue as well as provide convincing arguments for both side of the issue.
*Example: If you choose to discuss whether or not the government should provide health care, you would explain the background of the issue and why it continues to be debated. You would then explain the argument for the government providing health care and the argument against it.*

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