Requirements: There is a minimum 1000-word count for this assignment. The word c

Requirements: There is a minimum 1000-word count for this assignment. The word count must be put under your title heading. If you do less than 1000 words, chances are you will not receive a passing grade. This includes the entire content of your paper, from the first page to cited source page. The paper is to be double spaced, 12-font Times New Roman. minimum two sources. The book and the notes can be used as sources also academic journals, websites etc. If you choose to use my Power Points or notes, just cite as “Brown, Notes”. When you use direct quotations from a source use MLA format and corresponding bibliography/citation page. IMPORTANT! Mode of Submission: CANVAS-Assignment; This paper must be submitted online; to be posted in the assigned Canvas Module. It will automatically submit your work to Turnitin. You will be able to see the plagiarism similarity report. Unfortunately, Canvas/Turnitin does not let students access the AI similarity report. If there is any work that is flagged as AI, which I as an instructor can see and access, you will receive an automatic zero for the assignment. Do not attempt to use AI for this paper. If you plagiarize or have any AI similarity, you will receive a zero for the assignment grade. Paper Subject Assignment: First, Analyze and evaluate Descartes’ two proofs of God’s existence. How are they different? Is one more convincing than the other? And secondly: How does Descartes explain how we humans make mistakes (errors)? Do not just state that a perfect creator made imperfect humans, this is NOT his answer. Descartes has several ideas on why we make mistakes and how we go wrong. Are Descartes’ arguments convincing to you? Why or why not?

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