Reply to this As an elementary teacher, I will assist students’ to attain a sens

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As an elementary teacher, I will assist students’ to attain a sense of industry by praising their efforts while working on a project, school assignment, or sports etc… Also, allowing time for children to complete their work and use words of encouragement will deem helpful. Using positive reinforcement will help students build competency and confidence in their work. For example, if one of my students finds math difficult, as a teacher I can offer extra help during lunch. As I help her understand the math concept she having difficulty understanding, I can praise her for her efforts. Last but not least, avoid criticism, this will make any student feel inferior and can decrease participation. On the other hand, if I were to criticize my student’s lack of understanding in math or not offer extra help will eventually result in their lack of trying and grades would become worse.
Example of Response
Hello Future Elementary Teacher,
Your example of enforcing self-worth and industry in a one-to-one setting with a student is, from the student’s perspective, valuable. As a teacher, I believe this is a great example of how to build a child’s self-esteem when things are challenging. I would also encourage the use of affirmations throughout your class, my class loves phrases like “I can do hard things” and “Change is okay!”
One minor adjustment I would recommend would be the introductory sentence. You missed a great opportunity to discuss Erik Erikson’s Theory of Psychological Development, industry vs. inferiority is critical for children between the ages of 6 and 12 which is your particular age group. I would recommend introducing the concept in your own words, and then including an APA citation for the website or article.
All the best,

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