Read the three sources I attached. These short, critical papers should summarize

Read the three sources I attached.
These short, critical papers should summarize and analyze, in your own words, the methodological positions and arguments of the texts you read for the week. In no more than two pages, you should focus on one key reading for the week but also include a paragraph in which you reference the other readings as a means to compare and/or set the text on which you focus apart.
Your paper must:
• Address the methodology or critical approach under consideration for the week, including its strengths and weaknesses as it applies to the subjects discussed by the authors.
• Note the training or professional standing of the author, as relevant.
• Summarize the overarching goals and evidence deployed.
• Compare this method/critical approach with other methods you have encountered in our class, other art history classes, or classes outside the field.
• Consider the applicability of the methodology/critical approach to your own research project.
Your paper must be submitted as a Word document (or other word processing software, not PDF), double-spaced, 12-point, Times New Roman font and no more than two pages.
Your papers must be carefully written in clear prose, in your own voice.
• Cite appropriately; parenthetical citations using the author’s surname followed by the page number are fine: e.g. (Author 50).

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