Read and answer questions: Daniel R. Griesmer, ““Bettering Our Circumstances”: S

Read and answer questions: Daniel R. Griesmer, ““Bettering Our Circumstances”: Settler Colonialism in Ohio During the 1780s,” Ohio History 124 (Feb 2017): 22-40.
Reading Questions: [Grading rubric: 5 is extremely thorough and thoughtful, 4 is adequate, 3 is sparse, 2 is incomplete; 0-1 is missing/unsatisfactory]
-What problems did the Confederation Congress face in Ohio?
-What is settler colonialism and what were its goals in America?
-Why did the Confederation Congress prohibit settlement on Indian lands and what were the consequences? (27)
-What happened when the Shawnee chief Mountha tried to use the “chain of friendship?” (34)
-What was the impact of the Northwest Ordinance of 1787?

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