Read and annotate your book for chapter 2. Then answer the following questions i

Read and annotate your book for chapter 2. Then answer the following questions in your own words – do not copy sentences from the book. You get points for this activity by simply doing your best. We will discuss these concepts further in our groups, so you will not lose any points if you make a mistake. Answer each question thoroughly – at least 3 sentences or more.
1] What does the name of the chapter The Locked Door mean?
2] Who is Vic Braden? What was he good at guessing? What explanation did he have for it? Why is his story important in terms of unconscious thinking?
3] Who is George Soros and his father? What signaled his father there was a problem in the market? Why is their story important in terms of unconscious thinking?
4] Describe Bargh’s priming experiment. Why is this important in terms of unconscious thinking?
5] Describe the Steele & Aronson experiment. Why is this important in terms of unconscious thinking?
6] Explain Fisman and Iyengar’s experiment. How good are people at predicting what they want? What might make a person change his/her mind? Why is this important in terms of unconscious thinking?

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