PurposeAnalyze designs in terms of design elements and principles. ( Hint: Feel

PurposeAnalyze designs in terms of design elements and principles. ( Hint: Feel free to review the attached slides to enable you to do the work.).Tasks with DirectionsStep 1: Create a PowerPoint
Create a PowerPoint named: “Module 3: Design Elements and Principles“This PowerPoint will contain eight images representing each of the design elements and principles.
Provide images of real examples of window display that you find aesthetically pleasing.In the description, identify a significant design element or principle used in the display and describe the aesthetic of the display (your aesthetic appreciation and/or judgment of the display). For example, add a window display image example that shows a clear use of Color and/or Texture and explain how you felt about its overall aesthetic.
Then, add an example that shows Line and describe the aesthetic of the display.
Then add an example that shows Balance and your aesthetic interpretation. Continue to
At the end, you should have a total of eight examples of window displays, representing the eight design elements and principles listed below. Color and/or Texture
Line (e.g., vertical, horizontal, curved, diagonal)
Balance (symmetrical or asymmetrical balance)
When you show window display examples, you must identify which of the design elements and principles is used in the display and your aesthetic experiences of each example using comments or descriptions.
Grading Evaluation Criteria
General Rubric Available Below
Be sure to cite sources using APA format; see this link for resources on APA citations

Posted in Art

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