Professional e-Portfolio The portfolio is a reflective assignment designed for t

Professional e-Portfolio
The portfolio is a reflective assignment designed for teacher candidates to highlight the developmental nature of the credential program as they progress from teacher candidates to credentialed teachers. The work selected will align with the Teaching Performance Expectations (TPEs), which the Commission requires on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) for a preliminary teaching credential. This serves as the anchor assignment in the field seminar courses and is the culminating project in the credential program.
AUDIENCE: The audience could include candidates’ course instructors, fellow colleagues in the program, and employers. It is expected that candidates use this portfolio both during the job search and in their own classroom during supervised teaching and beyond. If you decide to create this portfolio using a website format, no student images or names can be present.
ARTIFACTS: Candidates collect and organize artifacts in many formats(audio, video, graphics, and text) to showcase their best work in the credential program demonstrating the knowledge, skills, and abilities developed along the path to becoming a teacher, while aligning with the TPEs. If students’ images or names are included, blur their faces and/or redact their names.
TECHNOLOGY: Candidates must use their CSU East Bay Google account to create this assignment. Depending on the candidate’s chosen audience, they may choose to create this ePortfolio using Google Drive or Google Sites; a public website cannot include student images or names.
Required Content- FALL SEMESTER:
● e-Portfolio Step 1: Introduction to content and purpose of the portfolio, teaching philosophy, and other pertinent information related to why you want to be a teacher (could include interests, photos, etc.). This philosophy must explain how you intentionally plan to meet the needs of your diverse student population through the lens of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). TPE 6
○ Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: As an educator, you are building a community within your classroom and planning a curriculum that meets the needs of all students. Explain how you incorporate elements of diversity, equity, and inclusion through student work samples, curriculum, and your philosophy (e.g., add reflections to explain your artifacts).
● e-Portfolio Step 2: COLLEGE Portfolio (assignments and activities from coursework) ○ Summer Semester – 1 Artifactfrom Coursework, Fall Semester – 1 Artifactfrom Coursework
■ Explain why you are showcasing each artifact and how it helped you develop as a teacher.
■ Artifacts can model best teaching practices, how you differentiate instruction for all learners, and create equitable learning environments.
TPE 1-6
● e-Portfolio Step 3: Classroom Experience (fall assignments and activities implemented in fieldwork) TPE 1-6
○ Field placement information: Grade level, location, and demographics.
○ Fall Semester – 1 Student Artifact from Fieldwork: Explain why you are showcasing this artifact and how it helped students meet learning objectives.
■ Artifacts should model subject-specific research-based practices and align with the TPEs.
■ Optional: Any additional artifacts related to candidates’ teaching experience (past or present) and interests, other involvement in the schools (clubs, coaching, etc),
blogs, or anything else you’d like to share about yourself as an educator.
TPE 1-6

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