Please read everything here before proceeding to start your assignment. Answer b

Please read everything here before proceeding to start your assignment.
Answer both of the following essay questions. Each answer should be approximately 400 words but you cannot write more than 500 words. Your answers must show familiarity with the readings(readings are post in attached file). Use examples as needed:
1. In the article “Sexual Inversion among the Azande,” British anthropologist Evans-Pritchard writes about a marriage custom called boy-wife among the Azande that was practiced before British colonialism. What is a boy-wife? What were the causes for the development of boy-wife among the Azande? What caused the custom of boy-wife to disappear?
2. In the article Sambia Sexual Culture, anthropologist, Gilbert Herdt explains how the Sambians of Papua New Guinea create their worldview through direct and indirect exchanges of semen. The pandanus trees, breastmilk, ancestors, and semen ingestion by young boys are all connected in constructing this world view. What are direct and indirect semen exchanges? Explain how these direct and indirect exchanges socially reproduce Sambian society.
In your answers, ensure you are able to connect your thoughts, insights and analyses, alongside the readings and lecture materials you have been provided with. The essay answers should be well-argued, well-written, grammatically correct, and organized with examples drawn from the readings. Do not just regurgitate or summarise the readings!!!!. Make sure to answer all parts of each question and give examples from the text to strengthen your answers. If you use a direct quote the text, you should put it in “…”. Also, explain why the quote is relevant to your answer. Remember: the purpose of this exam is to demonstrate your familiarity with the readings. Any direct citation should be in quotations with the name of the author and page # in text. You can follow any standard citing practices – APA, MLA or Chicago. Your answers should contain in-text citations and a bibliography at the end. Any full sentence without quotation marks, that seems to be verbatim from a reading or lecture material counts as plagiarism. All essays will be run through University of Oregon plagiarism protocols. So, please review your work before submitting.

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