PART1 Frequency tables and contingency tables are basics of data analysis. A vi

Frequency tables and contingency tables are basics of data analysis. A visual companion to these tables is the Pareto chart, names for Wilfredo Pareto, an Italian mathematician.
Demonstrate how to build Pareto charts in both Excel and Tableau. Then upload an image of each to Canvas, with you name in the title of the chart.
Use the 2021 University of Kansas Graduates data as your data set. Show percent of graduates (y-axis) by their home state or country.
Add a text note indicating how many states/countries account for 80% of the graduates. UofKansas_Grads_21.csv
server identified prospective customers who want to purchase a new insurance product. The company can afford to win approval this product in only 5 states for 2024? Which states would you recommend? How much of the potential market can be reached in these states? Perform the following analyses using the tools which are required for this course and include them with your recommendation:
1. Excel pivot table showing the percentage of ALL prospects in each state by gender
2. Excel Analysis toolpak’s Descriptive statistics on AGE field in the data. Note the value for the skewness of the distribution. Is it Left- or Right-skewed?
3. Use JMP to produce a visual of how the numerical variables are distributed. Load the data. (From the top nav bar select Analyze, Distribution. Then select all variables except Respondent id and select “Y, Columns”, “OK” . Review, and take a screen shot of the output)
4. Load the data into Tableau. Drag the “Purchase Intent” measure to the canvas (or Columns shelf). It will produce a single bar of (the “Sum of Purchase Intent”). Then drag state to the canvas (or Rows shelf). Double click on the Sheet tab and rename the visual as “[lastname.firstinitial_Bar-Purchase Intent]”
5. Use ChatGPT, Claude, or Bing’s AI search to generate a recommendation memo for the 5 states that you recommend. Try some version of the following prompt iterations: “You are an trusted, insightful business analyst. Write a business memo to the the Executive Committee recommending the we seek approval for our new product in the following 5 states: [list your recommended states]. Explain that the recommendation is based on the following main reason: [include the main reasons based on your analysis]. Then include following supporting reasons: [include the supporting reasons based on your analysis]. Write like a business professional emulating the Procter and Gamble one-page memo style. ”
You should expect to edit and revise the AI output into your final memo. You may include your charts or table in the memo, but keep it to one page. Else you can submit them separately through Canvas.
Work independently and make your own submission by the due date.
Survey Responents.xlsx
More details: The P&G-style one-page memo uses the following memo structure:
Recommendation – one sentence the business decision that you recommend
Rationale (main reason for you recommendation, followed by supporting reasons)
Background – additional information that provides more context for the decision-maker
Submit your assignment on Canvas before the deadline. Submit the memo as a Word doc, or paste the memo to Canvas directly, and attach the following artifacts as evidence that you have figured out how to access the tools that we will in the this class (be sure that you name appears on each screen shot):
screen shot of your excel pivot table
screen shot of you Excel Analysis Tookpak
screen shot of your JMP screen with the distribution of values of your variables
screen show of you tableau bar chart. Be sure to show the title of you visual as follows: [lastname.firstinitial_Bar-Purchase Intent]
Text or Word doc of your recommendation memo, also with the prompt(s) that you used for AI to generate the first version
Frequency tables and contingency tables are basics of data analysis. A visual companion to these tables is the Pareto chart, names for Wilfredo Pareto, an Italian mathematician. Demonstrate how to build Pareto charts in Tableau. Then upload an image to Canvas, with you name in the title of the chart.Use the 2021 University of Kansas Graduates data as your data set. Show percent of graduates (y-axis) by their home state or country. Add a text note indicating how many states/countries account for 90% of the graduates. UofKansas_Grads_21.csv

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