Part one: Once you have clicked on the link above and watched the video, please

Part one:
Once you have clicked on the link above and watched the video, please post your journal in the text box. Your journal must include a summary of the video and a personal reflection. Include at least one solid paragraph summarizing the video (200 words or more) and at least one solid paragraph with a personal reflection (200 words or more). Your reflection should convey your thoughts and opinions on the information covered in the talk.
Grading rubric for Journals:
25 points = Journal includes 2 separate paragraphs – a summary paragraph and a reflection paragraph. Summary paragraph is at least 200 words and offers a summary of the video. Reflection paragraph is at least 200 words and offers your thoughts/opinions on the content of the video. Both paragraphs are clear and well thought-out.
*Once you finish part one you will start with part two.
part 2 is to reflect on what you have learned in the assigned reading this week (ebook modules 1, 2, 4, and 5 the reading will be provided). Choose one topic you found particularly interesting and post your thoughts here. Write at least 8 sentences. Briefly summarize the topic and state the reasons you found it interesting. How does this information relate to your life or someone you know? In addition to your main post, respond to two peers with at least 5 sentences stating your thoughts on what they wrote.
Grading rubric for Discussions:
25 points = Main post is at least 8 sentences, answers all of the questions in a clear, well thought-out manner, includes your own thoughts and information from the required reading module, and must mention author’s name via in-text citation. Two peer responses that are 5 sentences or more each and add to the discussion.

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