Part I. Read chapter three and four in United States of Distraction, and describ

Part I.
Read chapter three and four in United States of Distraction, and describe how misinformation, disinformation, or fake news is used in political campaigns? Use recent examples that you have seen on television or in other forms of media to discredit candidates. What’s missing? What other news on the world stage was happening that day and did it receive as much attention?
Part II.
Who benefits and who loses from “eroding confidence in journalism and news (Higdon and Huff, 2019, p. 113). Where would you go to find a credible source to substantiate the information (AP Newswire, BBC, The Guardian, Poynter Institute, the Annenberg Foundation, or World Health Organization, etc.) Would the remedies that Sinan Aral suggests at the end of his video How We Can Protect Truth in the Age of Misinformation work? One to two pages with in-text citations and references required. Suggest watching videos
Another option: During the recent election, we have had family members or friends perhaps fall into the conspiracy-theory black hole. If that was the case, how would you change the dynamic given what you know now about having conversations that matter. Watch How to Talk Your Uncle Out of QAnon and another recommended video in our weekly lesson. What approach would you take or maybe did take? Perhaps you would find another resource source that deals with cult behaviors and how to rectify political indoctrination. You can add other resources. One-two pages with in-text citations and references required.

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