Part A: Is case management a type of family therapy? Why or Why not? Part B: Re

Part A: Is case management a type of family therapy? Why or Why not?
Part B: Respond to 1 peer’s discussion by assessing the strengths of their post. What did they describe well? What would course content can you add to expand the conversation? (I will provide this student response as soon as it’s available)
Textbook Title: Working with Families. An integrative model by level of
Author(s)/Editor(s): Kilpatrick, A. & Holland, T.
Publisher: New York: NY, Pearson, Allyson Bacon
Edition: (2009) (5th ed.)..
ISBN: ISBN-13:978-0-205-67392-6.
National Association of Social Work. (1999). Code of Ethics. Washington, DC
National Child Traumatic Stress Network
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