Paradigm Paralysis – Describe a unique event where your effectiveness was reduce

Paradigm Paralysis – Describe a unique event where your effectiveness was reduced due to an inflexible paradigm that you have/had. In the first section (Inside-Out) of Covey’s Seven Habits book there is a great part about the “Power of a Paradigm Shift”. He relates the need for us to examine our paradigms for what he calls the “Aha” experience.
His “subway” story was particularly powerful.In this short paper we want you to talk about one of these mini-paradigm shifts you’ve had. One of the common mistakes students make on this paper is to talk about others and how they were inflexible, but that’s not the assignment. This is about you.
And as Dr. Covey states we want you to describe how you “saw” things differently, how you “thought” about things in a new way, how you “felt” different, or how you “ behaved” differently as a result of the shifting of YOUR paradigms.
Three – four pages in the body of your paper + a separate title page
Required references/citations, properly APA formatted
1″ margins
12 point font
Double Spaced
Grammar counts in papers
MUST include at least two citations/reference on the assigned topic from the Covey Text. on your separate References page. Our standard for references in the BAS program is the APA format. Your references should begin on a new page separate from the text of the essay; label this page “References” in bold, centered at the top of the page (do NOT underline or use quotation marks for the title). All text should be double-spaced just like the rest of your essay.

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