One of sociology’s central tasks is to show the ways in which an individual’s li

One of sociology’s central tasks is to show the ways in which an individual’s life is inextricably embedded in and influenced by the social world. Using all the sociological ideas you have learned so far in this course, write a reflection on yourself and your story in sociological terms. You may ask such questions as:
What is my social identity? In other words, what groups and categories do you belong to? In what ways do you identify yourself in social terms (i.e. by your membership in these groups)? In what ways are these memberships relevant to you? Consider that group and categorical memberships may be anything from a club you intentionally joined to something that was assigned to you by society (such as race, ethnicity, class, and gender).
What are the elements of my culture? In other words, how do the social formations (society, family, community, groups, etc.), which you grew up in or later became aware of, teach people to understand and act in the world? Consider that “culture” can contain everything from traditions and customs to morals, beliefs, and values.
Where am I positioned in my society’s structure? Recall that social structures, typically, are hierarchical ways of arranging the elements of a society – including all the groups and categories to which you belong. How do you think this has been relevant to your life? What do you think would have been different about your life if some aspect of your social identity had been different?
Note that you do not have to go into detail about anything you feel is too personal or sensitive. Most importantly, make sure you are making clear the connections you are drawing between yourself/your story and the concepts, theories, and ideas you have learned in this course. What are the sociological ideas you’re drawing from and how are they relevant to you?
Your report may take one of the following forms:
PowerPoint/visual presentation.The presentation must be thorough and include enough information to discuss the topic and answer the assignment’s questions fully. Presentations should be no less than 15 slides in length. Use keywords and phrases on your slides. The slide count does not include the title or references slide.Additionally, you should write a total of 850 words in the Notes section of your PowerPoint. I do not count the words on your slides. The word count does not include the title or references slides.Written essay.Your essay should be 4 pages (~1,000-1,500 words) in length, formatted in Times New Roman with 12-point font, double spacing, and 1″ document margins. NOTE: At least four complete pages. Points will be deducted for short papers. For example, if you write only a 3-page paper, you will have written only 75% of the required length. The highest grade possible is a C. Yes, length is important, however, so is the quality of your paper. The page/word count does not include the title or reference pages.

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